Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Midnight Rattling Of A Tired Man

The heart is a funny thing. It makes you yearn for stuff you never dreamed of and once you got it and becomes a part of you, you realized that it brought more pain and sorrow but yet... it is hard to let go. You can never imagine living life without it ever again. It could be the desirous of materialistic possessions or the fondness of another individual. We struggle to keep things afloat, tolerating any nonsense we may encounter while hoping everyday that the best is yet to come. This is especially true for the case of the latter.

Recently, like a fresh new trend of fashion on parade, a lot of my friends and people I know confided the problems they are facing to me.

Money, husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, career, family, lesbians, gays, people they fucked, people they hope to fuck, people who fucked them,....etc...etc...etc.


Some of them confessed that they're getting attached or married cos they think it is time. Love is the LAST thing on their mind. Afraid of loneness and contended with just being with someone, they took the plunge. In addition, it works both ways. It is the same case for both parties. No wonder divorce rate is on the rise!

On the other hand, some of them are afraid to take the plunge cos love is the FIRST thing on their mind and they want more than being with someone. They want a listening ear. Some want securities and some ardor the uncertainties in life, not knowing what may happen next.

However, I do understand. When that special someone does not understand or make the effort to understand you, it hurts knowing that you are still facing the world alone.

So one group will just find someone they can live and be friends with instead of a lover. The other group tends to hate the stable life, knowing what will happen in the future with your love one is a big turn-off. Excitement they say, so they wandered off to the unknown, often encountering jerks or bitches in the process.

I personally disagreed with this two type of postulation and do not wished to elaborate.
To me..... IT IS ALL CRAP!

From my experiences, people in the first group are normally mature in thinking and have been hurt badly before. Thus, lost their faith in love. The latter is associated with youngsters who have not grown mentality and obviously still in need of a spanking cos they are not that battered as they complain to be.

It is hard trying to find someone who is willingly to tolerate and understand you in this god-forsaken era. No one is willing to bear the hardship anymore. The vows of marriage are nothing more than a required custom with no strength of bearing any truth in it.

If you have that special someone who is with you though not psychically but mentally and is willing to take shit from you, treasure them.

It doesn't matter if you alone by yourself or walking in a crowd like a school of salmons on orchard road areas, deep within your heart, unbearable feeling of loneness still grip you with its never releasing shapeless hands. It is not company that you seek but community of thoughts or same mentally that you are after.

Whether day or night, you're trapped alone with no rays of light, just floating in the void of your own subsistence. Praying that someone might accept your existence. Alas in the end, we are all alone in the continuance of time. For we all die alone.

Friday, November 25, 2005

What Age Do You Act

From Lancerlord blogsite.

You Are 32 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


I try to live by the example in this photo, which resulted in unnecessary troubles sometimes. But still, I feel that's the way to live. Once you are afraid, you get repress in your track and can't move forward until you overcome your fear.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

A Dog In Thoughts

Just got back from overnight duties and the gym after I knocked off. Shack to the bone man! Anyway, before I hit slumber land, feel like uploading this photo of a dog I took at one of SPCA's road show at Bugis a month back.
(Actually, I ripped the photo on display with my camera phone. That is why it is not as clear)

Nevertheless, I loved this photo. Hope I can get to know the owner. Anyone who owns a dog or have AT LEAST been in contact with one before would know how difficult it is for them to keep still. Much less posed for the camera!

Instead of those usual “ cute!” photos, I find it refreshing and amazed at the subject in the picture. Look at those eyes. So full of wisdom and deep in thoughts. Glazing far away and in a mind of its own.

Just what is going through its head? Is it sad? Is it happy? Is it reminiscing?

Somehow, there is a connection. Those would knows me would agree that I have a habit of posing for the camera in that “Thinking” position. I am sure me and the dog would make a great pair together. (As photos companion I mean!!)

Friday, November 11, 2005

Insomnia Attack

Sigh...Dead beat and worn out. However, this is one of those days whereby Dreamland has voted to shut me out. Perhaps it is because there are too much random thoughts and worries going through my mind. As usual, I totally lost control of my brain cells activities and they decided to work overtime tonight. (Its morning now by gosh!) Perhaps it is the 5 cup of tea I drank that is keeping me awake. Who knows? Nevertheless, the motion for a long, tiring and shitty day ahead is set.

What do you do when you can't seem to fall asleep? Blog about it and hit the gym after you're done. That way, I am guaranteed a seating for the opening preview of whatever is showing in Slumber Land straight away after I came back from work later in the night. First class and front row man!

Ah...The wondrous joy of being able to sleep.

The Knocker Strike...Yet Again!

It is 4:25am now and he/she just banged on my door ...again!! What can I say? I'm getting that hidden cam this coming weekend. Maybe I should ask JOHNNY if he ZHNG front door with alarm and instant image capturing device too.

For the benefit of those who do not know what Zhng is, it actually meant modify in hokkien language.

See related: HERE and HERE

The Knocker Strikes Again

I seriously need to do something about the prank that this asshole is playing. Obviously, there is a problem here. For someone to bang people's door in the middle of the night and ran off, it shows that the joker is bored and frustrated. He/she obviously wants attention and society is clearly neglecting him/her.

I assume he/she is jobless or else he/she won't have the excess energy left after a hard day work to go around disturbing people in the middle of the night. With the rate of jobless declining as mentioned in the papers, he/she must be the ‘few’ unlucky ones who did not managed to obtain a monthly salary format.

Poor thing!

Perhaps I could help by installing a hidden cam and catch him/her in action. That way, after I send the photo evidences to the police and pasting his/her face in A4 size posters all around the neighborhood, it would solve all of his/her problems wouldn't it?

Not only will he/she become infamous, he/she will not need to worry about how to spend time cos he/she would be busy making money after paying or trying to pay the FINE that the police will be imposing in court. Better still, if he/she landed in jail, he/she won't have to fret about meals cos it is provided and there are many people inside who would ‘look after’ these sorts of wimps wouldn't they?

Oh man, I loved helping people with serious issues!

See related HERE

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Oh man, it has been a long time since I allow myself to unwind. The result? Pure ecstasy. Once I had that sinful pleasure down my throat, I was rejuvenated instantly.

Been a while since I allow my taste bud to indulge with the full rich flavor of man's greatest invention .....BEER!!
(Ok ok. SOME people may cite fire, wheels and electricity as man's greatest invention)

By the way, I'm not an alcoholic, in case you're wondering.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Karaoke Fanatic Neighbor

I have a neighbor who thinks he is a superstar. Almost everyday he would CROW (Not crown but crow!) old once-beautiful melodious ballads into what I can only describe as a out-of-tune, ( In fact tuneless!) out-of breathe Rod Stewart on the mic. The worst part is that he REPEATS every song thrice and every time in the SAME order and selection every other day!

I can't even manage to rest on my off days or when I am back from operational duties. It is as if I was brought into a weird timeless, never-ending dimension. Climbing mountains, running in a marathon and swimming across the pacific in a Iron man contest is more relaxing than tolerating with the level of unhealthy stress and vibration my ear drums have to bear every time he hits the play button and starts with his : “Ah ah ah ......woooo....” !

Thursday, November 03, 2005

How much is your blog worth?

Well, since everyone is doing it, I might as well join in.

My blog is worth $1,693.62.
How much is your blog worth?

I'm banging my hopes on the compounded interest in the near future.


Duty and Loyalty: You serve your purpose and do
what you must do. People would consider you
someone to rely on, and one who keeps his/her
word when he/she gives it.
Which Characteristic From the Samurai Code Matches You Best? (You may find out your best trait)

Dynasty Warrior

I noticed that this sort of analyzing personality and matching with famous characters diagnostic games are getting more and more popular. Thought I would give it a try and this is whom I am most similar with.

Dynasty Warriors 5 Xtreme Legends - ZHAO YUN

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Holiday? What's that?

How do you know you are really sick?
When you have been sneezing all day and finally you noticed that blood is flowing out of your nostril when you wipe your nose.

How do you know if you are overworked and stress out?
When there is blood oozing out when you have no choice but to expel air forcibly from the mouth and nose in an explosive, spasmodic involuntary action due to irritation of the nasal mucous membrane and in your saliva but you can't afford to rest or see the doctor cos you have exam on Wednesday and monthly report to submit to your boss by Friday. In addition, you can't sleep thinking that there are still a lot of crap that needs to be done.

I was told today and Thursday are holidays, a time for relaxation.
What the hell is that?! Makes no difference to me.