The Lighter Side of...Women
I am sure many people have seen the following pictures/graphics before. Being one of many others who has one leg stuck in hell and the other leg in heaven, I couldn't agree more with the explanations written about our beloved X-chromosome partner. Anyway, just for laugh ok. Hell hath no fury like a women crossed!
Ladies, PLEASE do not release your fury upon me after viewing it. (Even though you HAVE to agree, it is true in some sense!)
If only we guys have this data sheet during chemist/physics lessons, things would have been different. Ha ha.
I do not even try to argue anymore these days. Just as Singaporeans are fond of complaining about the government without any counter-action taken on their part, I am also adapting this method cos it is more peaceful this way.
EXTREMELY TRUE as mentioned in my earlier post HERE. They could either spend out of their intended budget or don't spend a single cent. The time taken however would be the same though.
I feel in fact that there should be more knobs and buttons control like [Semi-On] or [Awfully quiet until it makes you feel guilty] in a woman’s system than what is being shown here.
Who ever came up with this formula is a geniuis!
Ladies, PLEASE do not release your fury upon me after viewing it. (Even though you HAVE to agree, it is true in some sense!)
If only we guys have this data sheet during chemist/physics lessons, things would have been different. Ha ha.
I do not even try to argue anymore these days. Just as Singaporeans are fond of complaining about the government without any counter-action taken on their part, I am also adapting this method cos it is more peaceful this way.
EXTREMELY TRUE as mentioned in my earlier post HERE. They could either spend out of their intended budget or don't spend a single cent. The time taken however would be the same though.
I feel in fact that there should be more knobs and buttons control like [Semi-On] or [Awfully quiet until it makes you feel guilty] in a woman’s system than what is being shown here.
Who ever came up with this formula is a geniuis!
Ha, ha, ha...! :D Woman - woe unto man ;p
Michael Chua-- Hee hee. In a way, I think we men are asking for it. Sad but true.
Hey Lee san,
The diagrams and formulas are staggeringly new to me, but not the concepts. I can’t agree with you less, we women do behave as such but hey, that’s the nature of how Earthlings work.
Though after honeymoon period, reality stuck to both but it’s a game we all play, game of Love, Lust, Loathe, and ultimately, Life.
“One leg stuck in hell and the other leg in heaven” -> We ARE constantly flowing in between. Men & Women, we both suffer under each other’s hands.
FYI, shopping to women is as addictive to cigarettes & kopi to you.
Zuo'er-- I see that somebody is already releasing her fury at me as expected. For the record, I come in peace woman!
Yes, it is a game we all play, it is part and parcel of life, hence the title "The lighter side of...” meaning "Just for laugh". What good is life if we cannot laugh at ourselves now and then right? You see jokes about men being portraited as idiots who is capable of only thinking with their penis but no men is complaining right? We laugh along although I do not see any woman defending us in aspect of those jokes either. Why is that? A classic case of “wanting your pie and eating it”? But then again I could be wrong.
Lee san,
Maybe my lacking of cute icons caused a different emotions here. Chill! My comment contains no fury at all and I do agree with you in the concepts, didn't I. Crudely, we are just prawns in a game of Love. :)
Zuo'er-- Goodness, no ill intention taken or meant in my previous comment. Just trying to change the focus to view it from another angle.
No worries Zuo'er. I am someone who had seen through the "RED Horizon" so nothing in life really surprised me anymore. Including the behaviors of humans.
Therefore, no cute icons needed. If anything, I would even agree with you!
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