Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Holiday? What's that?

How do you know you are really sick?
When you have been sneezing all day and finally you noticed that blood is flowing out of your nostril when you wipe your nose.

How do you know if you are overworked and stress out?
When there is blood oozing out when you have no choice but to expel air forcibly from the mouth and nose in an explosive, spasmodic involuntary action due to irritation of the nasal mucous membrane and in your saliva but you can't afford to rest or see the doctor cos you have exam on Wednesday and monthly report to submit to your boss by Friday. In addition, you can't sleep thinking that there are still a lot of crap that needs to be done.

I was told today and Thursday are holidays, a time for relaxation.
What the hell is that?! Makes no difference to me.


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