Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Karaoke Fanatic Neighbor

I have a neighbor who thinks he is a superstar. Almost everyday he would CROW (Not crown but crow!) old once-beautiful melodious ballads into what I can only describe as a out-of-tune, ( In fact tuneless!) out-of breathe Rod Stewart on the mic. The worst part is that he REPEATS every song thrice and every time in the SAME order and selection every other day!

I can't even manage to rest on my off days or when I am back from operational duties. It is as if I was brought into a weird timeless, never-ending dimension. Climbing mountains, running in a marathon and swimming across the pacific in a Iron man contest is more relaxing than tolerating with the level of unhealthy stress and vibration my ear drums have to bear every time he hits the play button and starts with his : “Ah ah ah ......woooo....” !


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