Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Names To Avoid For Your Baby

I came across the following names in some forum that I cannot remember. Although most of you might have read them before either via forum or forward chain mails, the purpose of plagiarism here is more for my own convenience instead of your reading enjoyment.

So that I will remember which names NOT to bestow upon my children.

1) Anne Chang (In Mandarin) -- Dirty
2) Anne Chin (In Mandarin) -- Keep quiet
3) Carl Chng (In Hokkein) -- Buttock
4) Carmen Teng (In Hokkein) -- Leg hair long
5) Corrine Tai (In Hokkein) -- Poor fellow
6) Faye Chen (In Mandarin) -- Dusty
7) Henry Mah (In Mandarin) -- Hate your mum
8) Henry Tan (In Hokkein) -- Let you wait
9) Jane Tan (In Mandarin) -- Fried egg
10) Judy Soo (In Mandarin) -- Fated to lose
11) Leslie Tong (In Mandarin) -- Rubbish bin
12) Lucy Liaw (In Hokkein) -- You are dead
13) Michael Tan (In Cantonese) -- Selling eggs
14) Monica Cheng (In Hokkein) -- Touch your buttock
15) Nelson Chong (In Mandarin) -- Worms-infested bird
16) Nelson Tan (In Mandarin) -- Bird laying eggs
17) Paul Chan (In Cantonese) -- Bankrupt
18) Suzie Leow (In Hokkein) -- Lost till death

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Society Behaviors

Humans are like ants really. We function like one. Societies, colonies or whatever you called it, it is all the same.

Picture ourselves as in an ant colony and it is not hard to see why. About 2,000 ants live in a single nest of the Camponotus Japonicus ant. The Formica Japonica ant has a largest nest containing more than 10,000 ants. Take the nest as a comparison to the world we live. Click on their names to find out how they look like or click HERE to find out more about ants, that is if you are interested!

Workers account for the largest number of ants in a nest. Isn’t it true even in our society? There are more poor-average working citizens than rich-leg shaking people. However not all that you work for is yours to keep. Due to taxes, expenses and cost of living.

Normal workers minding their own business just doing their things in order to survive.

Bigger black ants comes along representing the government

Take a small bite out of your earnings. GST, income tax

Take a bigger portion. Housing loan, car loan.

Workers end up going on strike in some countries, chaos and looting started.

The same behavior applied to the male and female gender. Although there are many winged female ants in one nest, there is only one mated female, the mother, whose wings fall off after mating.

The male appears only once a year and waits in the nest for the day of mating. After the mating, the male dies without returning to the nest. (At least he died happy!)
Can you imagine what would happen if in an ant orgy?

Just like any spring break events taking place!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Argentina Lost...WHY?!

Life suddenly loses its aroma of hope and vibrants. I can no longer taste the richness that is in abundances around us. I will not comment on the referee's decisions and actions of the players. No point crying over spilled milk. The verdict will not change once it is set no matter how unjustified it is. Devastated is the word to describe my feelings. By now, you would have guessed that I am an Argentina fan…a HARDCORE Argentina fan. Their players are skillful, confident, tactical and tough. 100% MEN!! (Although I feel that there is nothing wrong with being homosexual, I MUST stress that I am heterosexual in case people are mistaken here!) One luck.

On a lighter note, I really must hand it to my Dad. On an estimate of 10 games, he got the final verdicts correct on 9 games, down to every detail. First half score, second half score and even if they will go into extra time or penalty shoot-out before the particular match started. He follows the game for the love and beauty of it. He is an avid soccer fanatic who does not gamble. But I do! If only I have listened to him! Shit!! It is like having the God of Fortune telling you what numbers to buy for 4D and you do not listen. From now on, I will heed his advice.

Lipoma Scar

Three and half years ago, I knocked my head on an engine stand during work. One month after that, a lump appear on my forehead. During that time, I thought nothing about it but it soon amplified in size and mass. The doctor classified it as a Lipoma growth.

Being the silly person I am, I thought: “Wow, cool. Just like a Luo Han (Flower Horn) fish.”
I was hoping to strike the lottery, as Flower horn fish is associated with luck and wealth. Of course, I did not strike the big money as often declared by contestants in Wheels of Fortune.

I consulted a couple of Chinese physician, spend a fortune on acupuncture and countless unconventional methods but instead of reducing my lump, all my fruitless attempt only exaggerate it further. Therefore, I decided to have it surgically removed 6 months ago.

Six months later, this is how my scar looks like.

I have to say, it is not too bad looking. Makes me look manly and present me with a story to share during coffee talk. . I am not the metro sexual type of guy and being old-fashioned, I frown on guys spending too much time and money trying to have flawless complexion. I am not being sexist but that is a woman’s rights. That is a woman’s domain. Men should be rugged and tough. But of course, that is just my old fashioned, unable to keep up with the changing of times opinion.