Monday, March 06, 2006


In Singapore or in fact, every country in the world, you will find people complaining no matter how good the systems are. Because everyone is unique in their own ways and it is not possible to have one singular governing system to charter to everyone's needs and ambitions, there are bound to be some dissatisfactions brewing beneath the surface.

In Singapore however, it is our national pastime and damn, are we good at it!!

So how do some folks voice their dissatisfactions? By vandalizing public properties. I am sure all of us will come across scribbling words in coffee shop toilets or void deck walls, even in our own housing elevators. The contend includes sentences like PAP sucks or Down with PAP.
(PAP : People's Action Party )

No flaming please people. For the record, I am PRO-PAP. You have your reasons for voting for the OPPOSITION, I have my reasons for voting PAP. In addition, it is not because of reasons like some of my associates at work who voted for the OPPOSITION would simply say, in their own words, “Because I don't like PAP.” Just like that! They have no ideas and doesn't care what both parties have done or are doing. They just cast their votes according to which political group they like. Good grief! If there are more of such people around, Singapore are doom, no matter which constitution is running the country!

However, what happens if you saw the vandalism or prejudications below on the walls of your elevators?

I would say there is a greater problem being revealed here wouldn't you? The most disturbing thing however, is this statement below.

Some people truly have too much time on their hands. Hmm....could it be the knocker again?


Blogger Details: said...

Saw your entry at DK, so drop by here.

I see those guys that like to draw on the war as potential Ah Long runners.
Too free to do anything so have all kinda craps on the wall.

1:19 PM  
Blogger Mr Lee said...

Paddy Tan -- Hey great to see you here man.

Yes, I agree with you. The problem that I do not understand is why are they so free? I am almost drowning with so much work to do. Another thing… is it fun and helps to solve whatever issues they might have if they commit the act of vandalism?

Don't think so right?

4:32 PM  
Blogger Mockingbird said...

Taxi-drivers are known to be one lot who hate PAP the most ;p

3:01 PM  
Blogger Mr Lee said...

Michael Chua-- I have to agree with you on that man.

Maybe they are the one who scribbled all those writings on the walls of coffee shop and public toilet.

1:21 AM  

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