Tuesday, October 04, 2005


I reckon you people would already know about the ban on smoking in coffee shops and public bus stop including some pubs or disco. Until now, I have heard tons of complains from just about anyone. From coffee shop uncles and aunties, pubs owners saying the move will cause a decrease in business to other non-smokers saying the move is useless as smokers will conjured up new places for their fag and in turn causing great distress to non-smokers in those areas.

The government have tried to prevent the number of smokers by Su Ga Su Ga increasing the price of cigarettes. The Normal way things are done is that when there is a shortage in supplies, price will inflate. Like oil, gold, precious metal, rubbers and such. I do not think there will ever be a shortage in tobacco right? So why is it still increasing? To "keep up with the global rates" and prevent youngsters from starting? When there's a will to smoke, there's a way to pay. Just look at all those illegal contrabands cigarettes peddlers on the streets. Yes, cigarettes is relatively expensive in European countries but do we have to even set our cigarettes exchanges rate to be similar like them? If the government is TRULY concerned about the health of Singaporeans, perhaps they should just ban the whole thing. Like what they did with chewing gums. So why isn't it done yet? Revenue that's why. Billions of dollars in government tax revenue. Not to mention the complications of import and export agreements between other 'Investing' countries. Well, Singapore needed the money! Can't really blame them.

Being a smoker myself, may I suggest an idea, which caught my interest while I was overseas. The pubs and disco there also banned smoking within their premise except for a designated area or “box” where smoking is permitted. (Something like the yellow boxes we had in camp but instead of being in the open, it's more like a transparent plastic room) In addition, there is a ventilation fan to suck the smoke out inside the room. You know, for people who felt that cigarettes are getting too expensive, here's an idea. Just enter those rooms and breathe in all the second hand smoke they desire. It's free right?! Hey if you brought a compressor tank with you even better. That way, just suck in all the second hand smoke, compressed it and bring it back so you could unwind later in the comfort of your home with enough smoke to last you for a week. Save quite a lot of money if you are a smoker don't you think?

Sooner or later, almost all of Singapore's public areas will be banned for smoking which is good in some sense and smokers will have to watch out for signboards telling them where they're allowed to smoke.


Blogger Unknown said...

Right on the spot. It's the revenue, dude! That's why smoking is not banned. Oh, and I think it's not very tourism-friendly as well...

12:18 AM  
Blogger Mr Lee said...

Well, you are right bout the tourism friendly part. (Even though I myself AM a smoker. Haha)

However, some tourists do smoke themselves, but somehow being the so-called 'host' of their travel; we do need to maintain our image and health index of our atmospheric environment. (I AM trying to quit you know. Hee hee)

2:59 AM  
Blogger -Jeanie. said...

quit better! good for health worX!

11:30 AM  
Blogger Mr Lee said...

Thanks Jeanie. I am REALLY trying hard to quit. My fiancee had been nagging (more like scolding) me for ages.Ha-ha

1:09 PM  

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