Monday, September 26, 2005

Pride, Stubbornness And Injustice

Sometimes we hold on too dearly to things that we felt precious to us. Be it for our pride, our selfishness or our moral values, everyone has their own circumference of belief that they would try to protect and process. That belief is sacred to us and because of such tension and daily anxiety, once this fragile thin wall of religion is shattered, most of us will crumpled to our knees and our world will come crashing in. It could be our habit of wanting to be the first in everything, the way we talk, the way we walk, our favorite seat in the car; the bus, the office, the upbringing of our offspring, the ten o'clock and 3 o'clock tea break, the expectance of total silence in the cinema...etc....etc...etc...Anything that disrupt our daily routine, things or people preventing us from doing what we want, even the betrayal of someone close to us is classified under our circumference of belief isn't it.

From small things like missing your coffee in the morning which in turn makes you feel crappy, (For coffee addicts like me) to missing that bus or Mrt you took everyday so you won't be late for work. Being struck in the traffic when you are in a hurry even. What about being backstab by someone you know and trust. Won't you feel terrible? If we worry bout what others think all the time, how are we able to advance forward in life? Have to take care of yourself before you take care of others.

Therefore, I have stopped bothering bout what others think and says of me. Ignoring even those who had defamed and tried to bring me down. I trust my own conscience. My true friends and love ones trust me too, and that is all that matters. Sometimes you just wonder, have those who condemned you ever reflected on their own lives? It seems to me that they are much worse off and is trying subconsciously to degrade others so their egoistic self may feel better.

Doesn't bother me nowadays as their mouth are bonded on their face. Can't do much about that, can you? No matter how filthy it is, I'm not gonna rinse it for them cos even the best dentist in the world can't help with their rotting gums now. And that puny excuses for a pea brain so small and narrow in their hollow skull sometimes makes you want to knock on their head and ask them the famous movie series dialog [Back to the future] : " Hello...anybody home??!! "

It is time we learned to let go. Loosening the tension and just take life a step at a time. Let us not be overly stubborn on trivial matters and just breathe. When is the last time you people breathed? Seriously not breathing to survive which you people are doing now but really...just inhale deeply and exhale to relax. Try it now with heart. Feel that? Taste that? That's life, which is all around us. (Don't take into account all the pollutants in the atmosphere lah) The life which god created and wants us to experience. If you're like me, once a while late at night go to the seaside or just go downstairs and look around you. Feel around you. BREATHE around you and all the worries in the world would just vanish like a song lost in the night. (At least for that moment lah) Not because the problem went away.....but because you just replenish your spent and tired soul with enough energy and mojo to tackle any problems like a snap of your fingers.

Get it? No? Well I leave you with a quote I find exceptionally uplifting though I have forgotten who said it:

"In the darkest hour of the twilight zone. Lies the seed of the brightest tomorrow”

Breathing in the life around me and relaxing........


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