Monday, September 26, 2005


I was watching Berserk the animation and this character said something in his dreams before he turned into the devil, which has been lingering in my mind for a few days now. Could it be that I was so captivated by the show and its dramatic plot or because that the intense agitative violence of the animation really speaks out to me. Ah.....The eternal battle between good and evil, the strong and the weak, the innocent and the guilty. Perhaps there is some affinity between those words being chanted and my inner devil.....

(Soft creeping sound of volin in the background with the echos of water dripping)

Darkness, so pure not a single ray of light can find its way to me
How long have I soaked in this darkness
Or times I think just a moment
I feel nothing.....
As though there were nothing
And I am floating in it
I have preserved my sanity,
have I not?
Or did I lose it somewhere?
And yet, in this darkness and its fantasies
One thing is still clear in my mind

(Lightning sound effect)

That alone like lightning splitting through the darkness
He appeared so vividly in my mind
Over and over again it swells and sinks like the waves of a tsunami
Hatred, friendship, jealously, indignation, emptiness, love, sorrow
They all come together in a single great storm

(Constant screaming of pain and agony in the background)

Driving a stake through my mind
Holding my consciousness together
The one who cast me into this darkness
He is now my anchor
This man whose life was once in my hands
When did I fall under your control?
I see you now
Radiating so brilliantly it blinds me

(Music stops)

Good show, though the beginning could be a bit draggy. It has been ten years since its first release to the market and the story plot is still on going. Hope the author find time to concentrate on the ending soon. The suspense is killing me.


Blogger -Jeanie. said...

wahaha. u watch anime.??? haha.
u noe where to d/L anime also???

8:01 PM  
Blogger Mr Lee said...

Well Jeanie, I sort of brought the anime from eBay. Yes, I know you can download it free on the net but I emphasis more on quality.

And yes, I prefer anime to movies cos the show they're playing nowadays on the silver screen is just sometimes...craps. Ha-ha

11:04 AM  

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