Monday, February 27, 2006

Dark Poetry

When you are feeling down, poetries such as the one below somehow make sense. (In a poetic and literature perspective of course.)


...Just Keep Walking
I walk as though i'm already dead,
Decaying more with each step.
My hands and feet are heavy bricks,
Dangling from paper limbs.
I know not exactly where i'm going,
I just keep walking,
Sinking deeper and deeper into the ground.
My mind is a blank,
My heart is black,
Decaying more with each step.
And I just keep walking.

-SorRow NiGhtShaDe

For more depressive and gloomy poetries, click HERE. For those people who are feeling cheerful and blissful, you might want to steer clear of the link. Wouldn't want to ruin your day now.


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