Saturday, August 27, 2005

The Dawn of an Elite Homo sapiens

27 years ago, a cute and adorable baby boy came forth to this world. The first cries, the first hug, the first tears of an overjoyed couple embarking on their first step into parenthood. (I should hope so!)

“Ooooo…he looks like ‘ji bou kiat’. (Japanese boy) ”
“Sooo…cute and cubby!”

Standard protocol of responses when my folks brought me back for the kampong neighbors to see. (Yes, I do live in a kampong with my grandma during my first few years) As they passed me around from chatty neighbors to neighbors like a ladle in a cocktail party, I slept soundly oblivious to all the idiotic “Ahhh....” and “Oohhh” around me. (I am guessing here. No one likes a crying baby who won't stop, right?) I remember being in my mother's womb, crazy as it may sound....listening to all the conversations she had before I was born. Picking up familiar voices, phrases and knowledge in my fetus form. I guess I really am a genius.

I'm sure all newly promoted parents have high expectations, hopes and dreams for their offspring. Especially their first born. And so I too, was not spared the pressure of living up to my folk's anticipation. Though they really don't expect much of me, as long as I'm healthy and happy. A normal child leading a normal life in a normal world...but they were wrong.

This world was never normal to begin with. And so the battles begin.........


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